




The body is like a chariot made of eight substances: blood, skin, flesh, fat, bones, marrow, semen, and aura. This chariot is pulled by two strong horses, mental energy and pranic energy, which are mutually dependent. Mental energy is fed by pranic energy; but without the mind, prana (lifeforce) could not reach its goal, which is the attainment of God, or Truth. Enlightenment is attainment of the Truth.

Mental Energy has four functions: Mind the recording faculty which receives impressions gathered by the senses from the outside world; Intellect the faculty of discrimination which makes judgements and separates the real from the unreal; Ego the faculty of identification, both with the world of objects and the Truth; and Memory the generalized field of consciousness in which the other three mental faculties merge and work together.

What is Mind ?

A heap of thoughts.

The world is created by our own mind. By our own mind its reality exists. Everyone's world is in their own mind. Just as one cannot dream anyone else's dream, so one cannot see the world of others. But we all exist inside the worlds of each other. Anything which is accepted by the mind comes into its existence and when it is rejected by the mind its existence disappears.

What about ego ?

Ego is Life.

To keep the body's existence is ego. Everything is controlled by ego. Ego is the teacher. It is the way nature is set up, the whole universe is ego. It is the part of the mind which identifies a creature with the world. Ego-self tells you, "this is my body," and "this is my Self". It connects the two (body to higher Self) but without it, the Self could not be understood . Ego is a vehicle that can be used as a tool to achieve Enlightenment.

How does one achieve Liberation ?

Dissolve the ego.

When ego dissolves into the Self, the body and this world (illusion) both dissappear. This is called liberation. By ego effort it is possible to reach the True Self. Truth and Self are one.

What about Knowledge?

It can't be taught.

The knowledge that can be explained with words is not real knowledge. It is like explaining sweetness, which you can't feel without tasting. If you taste sweetness you don't need words to understand it. Knowledge of the Truth is Enlightenment.



That's alot of food for thought.

Go have a sandwich.


Who's YogiMystic108

