Baba Hari Dass is a silent monk who has not spoken since 1952 and communicates by writing on a small chalkboard. This verbal silence is a process which gradually quiets the mind and eliminates unwanted thoughts. While this concept may be initially difficult for most of us to understand, the example of Baba Hari Dass is ample expression of the potential for peace that lies within each of us as the result of spiritual discipline and devotion to helping others.

Babaji (as he is called more familiarly) is first and foremost a master yogi, having practiced the disciplines of yoga from childhood. In addition he is an accomplished author, teacher, builder, philosopher, sculptor, and proponent of Ayurveda (the ancient Indian system of health and healing). He is also conversant in several languages.

Babaji, now 73 years old, gives his time unstintingly in service to others and has been the inspiration for a variety of service projects staffed by his students.

Under Babaji's direction, the California based Hanuman Fellowship was formed in 1974 by a group of his students. Two sister fellowships, Dharmasara Satsang Society/Salt Spring Centre near Vancouver, and Ashtanga Yoga Fellowship in Toronto, also take their inspiration and teachings from Babaji. They, too, are involved with yoga teaching, retreats, service, and publishing.

Baba Hari Dass teaches weekly classes in the Yoga Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita, and yoga practices, and teaches other related subjects at various yoga retreats. He also works on building projects, writes on many yoga topics and spiritual stories, creates theatrical props and masks for The Ramayana, is available for private appointments with individuals, and always has a special welcome for children. He is present every Sunday at gatherings called Satsang, open to all without charge, at the Pacific Cultural Center in Santa Cruz. Satsang means keeping the company of truth and provides an opportunity for spiritual singing, meditation, and questions for Babaji. In his presence it is evident that he has found a way to be at peace despite the pain and confusion of the world. His teachings, his actions, and more importantly, his example communicate the realization that this peace is available to each of us, if only we try to find it.